Friday, August 3, 2007

Jaipur Sojourn-II

I am still in Jaipur.

I have been witnessing a continuation of certain innate trait which is effectively sequenced and manifested by the ghoulish double helix making sure that it is properly encoded in the stem cells.Though in last 6 weeks there has not been more than 6-8 mm of total rainfall in this arid zone,you will be surprised by the amount of moisture you will find inside the walled city.

The entire wall and and nearby soil is so moist that that BNHS or SACON should commission a study in consonant with Smithsonian Inst to investigate this wetland zone.

I,driven by my Agatha Christie or is it Hecule Poirot instinct decided to take off from my mundane tower installation(Ironically,I studied Molecular Biology and here ,I am doing
Civil and Electrical work,so much for Kreb's Cycle and Watson &Crick modelling,but then Johann Gregor Mendel was a pastor ) work and roamed around the walled city took samples.

The air in the immediate vicinity of the 'wet phenomenon' was stale and overpowering.I canned some Air and sent to GE Facility in US to look for elements contibuting to this "ambient air quality".The result is awaited.Last known update was that US Pharma Cos along with NSA and CIA are planning to test the samples in Latin American countries and create an epidemic like 'Typhoid Mary" or "Bird Flu" to sell some of the piled up unusable chemicals called serums and pills.This will sustain American Economy for some more time and their banks can happily sub-prime their NPAs. Microbiologial examination(Gram staining and Sugar sets) of the samples shows Staphylococcus ,Klebsiella and other coliform groups.A veritable cocktail.I will require more sophisticated laboratory with Chemiluminiscence ,PCR and DNA probes to identify some other forms that have mutated due to bacterial conjugation.
Keeping a vigil on the zones made me realise that to keep the humidity under control the people in the arid zone has adapted themselves and they void themselves in open to sustain the humidity.

Human beings have tremendous capacity to adapt and assimilate to any situation.

I salute the spirit and enterprise of the simple folks of Rajasthan who have devised the ingenious methods for adaptive living.

Even,I have decided to contribute to this and make sure that always void alfresco.Like 'bull fighting in Spain' and' bottom pinching in Rome',we should invite 'Firangs visiting our country" to contribute towards this.